Rotovac Carpet Cleaning Deltona Florida

Here we are Rotovac carpet cleaning in Deltona, Florida. When we clean carpets with the patented Rotovac 360i with the Rotovac Monsoon, our joy and satisfaction comes from seeing the before and after results of our cleaning.  Here is a job in Deltona that we got...

Ask Ellen – Conga Wine

Today’s Ask Ellen comes from Tom in Lake Mary. ❓Ellen Help! I hosted a dinner party which ended in an epic conga line winding its way through the living room. Needless to say cabernet and merlot spots are all over my carpet; How in the world can I get the stains...

Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful Dads out there! This is my adorable Father who has been such a huge influence in my life. Whether it’s helping a friend, showing compassion for someone he’s just met, or making us crack-up with his snarky jokes...